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Learn German at inlingua with a 500 Euro stipendium

bei inlingua Dresden

500 Euro annual government stipendium!

With a "Bildungsprämie" you receive government funding to for further training. The idea is to encourage further training for work to help give you more opportunities in your career.

At inlingua Dresden you can use the "Bildungsprämie" for all German language training.

The "Bildungsprämie" is about direct financial support, or in other words, you get paid to take further training. The concept is to provide individuals with the means to take further training to improve and stabilize job opportunities. As not everyone has the necessary funds to take further training the government is ready to help out with the "Bildungsprämie" once a year.

The stipendium covers the costs of a training course alongside the funds you invest yourself and provide funding for 50 % of the costs of your course. 


If you want to finance your course in full or in part using a "Bildungsprämie" call us on  0351 494460 or click here.